All you need to do is put your ingredients in a tinfoil cocoon and leave it to cook in the oven!

– Method –

1. Line a baking tray with a decent amount of tinfoil. The tinfoil has to go around all of your ingredients.

2. In the tinfoil, place a chicken breast / fillet of any fish such as salmon.

3. Add veges around the meat, such as garlic, onions, mushrooms, courgette, capsicum, or leeks.

4. Drizzle with olive oil so it doesn’t stick to the tinfoil. This also helps the vegetables to cook, and leaves you with a lovely juice afterwards.

5. Season with salt, pepper, lemon/lime and herbs such as basil, parsley or dill. Wrap up your food but leave a small gap to allow steam to escape.

6. Cook for as long as the meat requires (est. 25 minutes on 180 C )

7. Before eating check that meat is cooked through by cutting gently into it with a knife. Then, enjoy!
